The thanos tools
subcommand of Thanos is a set of additional CLI, short-living tools that are meant to be ran for development or debugging purposes.
All commands added as tools should land in tools.go
or file with tools_
usage: thanos tools <command> [<args> ...]
Tools utility commands
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or json.
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
tools bucket verify [<flags>]
Verify all blocks in the bucket against specified issues. NOTE: Depending on
issue this might take time and will need downloading all specified blocks to
tools bucket ls [<flags>]
List all blocks in the bucket
tools bucket inspect [<flags>]
Inspect all blocks in the bucket in detailed, table-like way
tools bucket web [<flags>]
Web interface for remote storage bucket
tools bucket replicate [<flags>]
Replicate data from one object storage to another. NOTE: Currently it works
only with Thanos blocks (meta.json has to have Thanos metadata).
tools bucket downsample [<flags>]
continuously downsamples blocks in an object store bucket
tools bucket cleanup [<flags>]
Cleans up all blocks marked for deletion
tools bucket mark --id=ID --marker=MARKER --details=DETAILS
Mark block for deletion or no-compact in a safe way. NOTE: If the compactor
is currently running compacting same block, this operation would be
potentially a noop.
tools bucket rewrite --id=ID [<flags>]
Rewrite chosen blocks in the bucket, while deleting or modifying series
Resulted block has modified stats in meta.json. Additionally
compaction.sources are altered to not confuse readers of meta.json. Instead
thanos.rewrite section is added with useful info like old sources and
deletion requests. NOTE: It's recommended to turn off compactor while doing
this operation. If the compactor is running and touching exactly same block
that is being rewritten, the resulted rewritten block might only cause
overlap (mitigated by marking overlapping block manually for deletion) and
the data you wanted to rewrite could already part of bigger block.
Use FILESYSTEM type of bucket to rewrite block on disk (suitable for vanilla
Prometheus) After rewrite, it's caller responsibility to delete or mark
source block for deletion to avoid overlaps. WARNING: This procedure is
*IRREVERSIBLE* after certain time (delete delay), so do backup your blocks
tools rules-check --rules=RULES
Check if the rule files are valid or not.
The thanos tools bucket
subcommand of Thanos is a set of commands to inspect data in object storage buckets. It is normally run as a standalone command to aid with troubleshooting.
thanos tools bucket verify --objstore.config-file=bucket.yml
The content of bucket.yml
type: GCS
bucket: example-bucket
Bucket can be extended to add more subcommands that will be helpful when working with object storage buckets by adding a new command within /cmd/thanos/tools_bucket.go
usage: thanos tools bucket [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
Bucket utility commands
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or json.
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file that contains object
store configuration. See format details:
tools bucket verify [<flags>]
Verify all blocks in the bucket against specified issues. NOTE: Depending on
issue this might take time and will need downloading all specified blocks to
tools bucket ls [<flags>]
List all blocks in the bucket
tools bucket inspect [<flags>]
Inspect all blocks in the bucket in detailed, table-like way
tools bucket web [<flags>]
Web interface for remote storage bucket
tools bucket replicate [<flags>]
Replicate data from one object storage to another. NOTE: Currently it works
only with Thanos blocks (meta.json has to have Thanos metadata).
tools bucket downsample [<flags>]
continuously downsamples blocks in an object store bucket
tools bucket cleanup [<flags>]
Cleans up all blocks marked for deletion
tools bucket mark --id=ID --marker=MARKER --details=DETAILS
Mark block for deletion or no-compact in a safe way. NOTE: If the compactor
is currently running compacting same block, this operation would be
potentially a noop.
tools bucket rewrite --id=ID [<flags>]
Rewrite chosen blocks in the bucket, while deleting or modifying series
Resulted block has modified stats in meta.json. Additionally
compaction.sources are altered to not confuse readers of meta.json. Instead
thanos.rewrite section is added with useful info like old sources and
deletion requests. NOTE: It's recommended to turn off compactor while doing
this operation. If the compactor is running and touching exactly same block
that is being rewritten, the resulted rewritten block might only cause
overlap (mitigated by marking overlapping block manually for deletion) and
the data you wanted to rewrite could already part of bigger block.
Use FILESYSTEM type of bucket to rewrite block on disk (suitable for vanilla
Prometheus) After rewrite, it's caller responsibility to delete or mark
source block for deletion to avoid overlaps. WARNING: This procedure is
*IRREVERSIBLE* after certain time (delete delay), so do backup your blocks
tools bucket web
is used to inspect bucket blocks in form of interactive web UI.
This will start local webserver that will periodically update the view with given refresh.
thanos tools bucket web --objstore.config-file="..."
usage: thanos tools bucket web [<flags>]
Web interface for remote storage bucket
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try
--help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration.
See format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains object store configuration. See format
Listen host:port for HTTP endpoints.
--http-grace-period=2m Time to wait after an interrupt received for
HTTP Server.
--web.external-prefix="" Static prefix for all HTML links and redirect
URLs in the bucket web UI interface. Actual
endpoints are still served on / or the
web.route-prefix. This allows thanos bucket web
UI to be served behind a reverse proxy that
strips a URL sub-path.
--web.prefix-header="" Name of HTTP request header used for dynamic
prefixing of UI links and redirects. This option
is ignored if web.external-prefix argument is
set. Security risk: enable this option only if a
reverse proxy in front of thanos is resetting
the header. The
--web.prefix-header=X-Forwarded-Prefix option
can be useful, for example, if Thanos UI is
served via Traefik reverse proxy with
PathPrefixStrip option enabled, which sends the
stripped prefix value in X-Forwarded-Prefix
header. This allows thanos UI to be served on a
--refresh=30m Refresh interval to download metadata from
remote storage
--timeout=5m Timeout to download metadata from remote storage
--label=LABEL Prometheus label to use as timeline title
tools bucket verify
is used to verify and optionally repair blocks within the specified bucket.
thanos tools bucket verify --objstore.config-file="..."
When using the --repair
option, make sure that the compactor job is disabled first.
usage: thanos tools bucket verify [<flags>]
Verify all blocks in the bucket against specified issues. NOTE: Depending on
issue this might take time and will need downloading all specified blocks to
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or json.
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file that contains object
store configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store-backup
configuration. See format details:
Used for repair logic to backup blocks before
Alternative to 'objstore-backup.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that contains
object store-backup configuration. See format
Used for repair logic to backup blocks before
-r, --repair Attempt to repair blocks for which issues were
-i, --issues=index_known_issues... ...
Issues to verify (and optionally repair). Possible
issue to verify, without repair: [overlapped_blocks];
Possible issue to verify and repair:
[index_known_issues duplicated_compaction]
--id=ID ... Block IDs to verify (and optionally repair) only. If
none is specified, all blocks will be verified.
Repeated field
--delete-delay=0s Duration after which blocks marked for deletion would
be deleted permanently from source bucket by
compactor component. If delete-delay is non zero,
blocks will be marked for deletion and compactor
component is required to delete blocks from source
bucket. If delete-delay is 0, blocks will be deleted
straight away. Use this if you want to get rid of or
move the block immediately. Note that deleting blocks
immediately can cause query failures, if store
gateway still has the block loaded, or compactor is
ignoring the deletion because it's compacting the
block at the same time.
tools bucket ls
is used to list all blocks in the specified bucket.
thanos tools bucket ls -o json --objstore.config-file="..."
usage: thanos tools bucket ls [<flags>]
List all blocks in the bucket
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or json.
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file that contains object
store configuration. See format details:
-o, --output="" Optional format in which to print each block's
information. Options are 'json', 'wide' or a custom
tools bucket inspect
is used to inspect buckets in a detailed way using stdout in ASCII table format.
thanos tools bucket inspect -l environment=\"prod\" --objstore.config-file="..."
usage: thanos tools bucket inspect [<flags>]
Inspect all blocks in the bucket in detailed, table-like way
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long
and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file that contains
object store configuration. See format details:
-l, --selector=<name>=\"<value>\" ...
Selects blocks based on label, e.g. '-l
key1=\"value1\" -l key2=\"value2\"'. All key value
pairs must match.
--sort-by=FROM... ... Sort by columns. It's also possible to sort by
multiple columns, e.g. '--sort-by FROM --sort-by
UNTIL'. I.e., if the 'FROM' value is equal the rows
are then further sorted by the 'UNTIL' value.
--timeout=5m Timeout to download metadata from remote storage
bucket tools replicate
is used to replicate buckets from one object storage to another.
NOTE: Currently it works only with Thanos blocks (meta.json has to have Thanos metadata).
thanos tools bucket replicate --objstore.config-file="..." --objstore-to.config="..."
usage: thanos tools bucket replicate [<flags>]
Replicate data from one object storage to another. NOTE: Currently it works only
with Thanos blocks (meta.json has to have Thanos metadata).
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try
--help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration.
See format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file with
tracing configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains object store configuration. See format
Listen host:port for HTTP endpoints.
--http-grace-period=2m Time to wait after an interrupt received for
HTTP Server.
Path to YAML file that contains object store-to
configuration. See format details:
The object storage which replicate data to.
Alternative to 'objstore-to.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains object store-to configuration. See
format details:
The object storage which replicate data to.
--resolution=0s... ... Only blocks with these resolutions will be
replicated. Repeated flag.
--compaction=1... ... Only blocks with these compaction levels will
be replicated. Repeated flag.
--matcher=key="value" ... Only blocks whose external labels exactly match
this matcher will be replicated.
--single-run Run replication only one time, then exit.
Start of time range limit to replicate. Thanos
Replicate will replicate only metrics, which
happened later than this value. Option can be a
constant time in RFC3339 format or time
duration relative to current time, such as -1d
or 2h45m. Valid duration units are ms, s, m, h,
d, w, y.
End of time range limit to replicate. Thanos
Replicate will replicate only metrics, which
happened earlier than this value. Option can be
a constant time in RFC3339 format or time
duration relative to current time, such as -1d
or 2h45m. Valid duration units are ms, s, m, h,
d, w, y.
--id=ID ... Block to be replicated to the destination
bucket. IDs will be used to match blocks and
other matchers will be ignored. When specified,
this command will be run only once after
successful replication. Repeated field
tools bucket downsample
is used to downsample blocks in an object store bucket as a service. It implements the downsample API on top of historical data in an object storage bucket.
thanos tools bucket downsample \
--data-dir "/local/state/data/dir" \
--objstore.config-file "bucket.yml"
The content of bucket.yml
type: GCS
bucket: example-bucket
usage: thanos tools bucket downsample [<flags>]
continuously downsamples blocks in an object store bucket
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long
and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file that contains
object store configuration. See format details:
Listen host:port for HTTP endpoints.
--http-grace-period=2m Time to wait after an interrupt received for HTTP
--data-dir="./data" Data directory in which to cache blocks and
process downsamplings.
tools bucket mark
can be used to manually mark block for deletion.
NOTE: If the Compactor is currently running and compacting exactly same block, this operation would be potentially a noop."
thanos tools bucket mark \
--id "01C8320GCGEWBZF51Q46TTQEH9" --id "01C8J352831FXGZQMN2NTJ08DY"
--objstore.config-file "bucket.yml"
The example content of bucket.yml
type: GCS
bucket: example-bucket
usage: thanos tools bucket mark --id=ID --marker=MARKER --details=DETAILS
Mark block for deletion or no-compact in a safe way. NOTE: If the compactor is
currently running compacting same block, this operation would be potentially a
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or json.
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file that contains object
store configuration. See format details:
--id=ID ... ID (ULID) of the blocks to be marked for deletion
(repeated flag)
--marker=MARKER Marker to be put.
--details=DETAILS Human readable details to be put into marker.
tools bucket rewrite
reewrites chosen blocks in the bucket, while deleting or modifying series.
For example we can remove all non counters from the block you have on your disk (e.g in Prometheus dir):
thanos tools bucket rewrite --no-dry-run \
--objstore.config "
directory: <local dir>
" \ "
- matchers: \"{__name__!~\\\".*total\\\"}\"
By default, rewrite also produces change.log
in the tmp local dir. Look for log message like:
ts=2020-11-09T00:40:13.703322181Z caller=level.go:63 level=info msg="changelog will be available" file=/tmp/thanos-rewrite/01EPN74E401ZD2SQXS4SRY6DZX/change.log`
usage: thanos tools bucket rewrite --id=ID [<flags>]
Rewrite chosen blocks in the bucket, while deleting or modifying series Resulted
block has modified stats in meta.json. Additionally compaction.sources are
altered to not confuse readers of meta.json. Instead thanos.rewrite section is
added with useful info like old sources and deletion requests. NOTE: It's
recommended to turn off compactor while doing this operation. If the compactor
is running and touching exactly same block that is being rewritten, the resulted
rewritten block might only cause overlap (mitigated by marking overlapping block
manually for deletion) and the data you wanted to rewrite could already part of
bigger block.
Use FILESYSTEM type of bucket to rewrite block on disk (suitable for vanilla
Prometheus) After rewrite, it's caller responsibility to delete or mark source
block for deletion to avoid overlaps. WARNING: This procedure is *IRREVERSIBLE*
after certain time (delete delay), so do backup your blocks first.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try
--help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration.
See format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains object store configuration. See format
--id=ID ... ID (ULID) of the blocks for rewrite (repeated
Working directory for temporary files
--dry-run Prints the series changes instead of doing them.
Defaults to true, for user to double check. (:
Pass --no-dry-run to skip this.<file-path>
Path to YAML file that contains
[]metadata.DeletionRequest that will be applied
to blocks<content>
Alternative to ''
flag (lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains []metadata.DeletionRequest that will be
applied to blocks
--rewrite.add-change-log If specified, all modifications are written to
new block directory. Disable if latency is to
The tools rules-check
subcommand contains tools for validation of Prometheus rules.
This is allowing to check the rules with the same validation as is used by the Thanos Ruler node.
NOTE: The check is equivalent to the promtool check rules
with addition of Thanos Ruler extended rules file syntax, which includes partial_response_strategy
field which promtool
does not allow.
If the check fails the command fails with exit code 1
, otherwise 0
./thanos tools rules-check --rules cmd/thanos/testdata/rules-files/*.yaml
usage: thanos tools rules-check --rules=RULES
Check if the rule files are valid or not.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or json.
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration. See
format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
--rules=RULES ... The rule files glob to check (repeated).
starts as soon as initial setup completed./-/ready
starts after all the bootstrapping completed (e.g object store bucket connection) and ready to serve traffic.NOTE: Metric endpoint starts immediately so, make sure you set up readiness probe on designated HTTP