Community #

Thanos is an open source project from the very first commit. We always value and welcome new contributors and members of the community. Here are ways to get in touch with the community:

Social Media and Announcements #

Follow and interact with us on Twitter: @ThanosMetrics

Thanos Community Meetings #

Thanos Community Meeting is a public and recorded monthly meeting every second Wednesday 13:00 UTC (Time zone converter).

Thanos maintainers & the community meet to discuss open issues, features and other Thanos related things. Everyone is welcome to join & add items to the agenda. The meeting happens in Zoom. Right now meeting is in a Webinar format, where only small amount of people will have ability to speak and video share, due to recent Zoombombing issues.

If you have any suggestions, how we can run the meeting better, please let @povilasv or @metalmatze know in the CNCF slack.

Slack #

Prometheus Communication Channels #

Since we are active Prometheus contributors and, some of us, maintainers we are also available on Prometheus IRC and email-list channels

Prometheus Community & Ecosystem Meetings #

The Prometheus & The Ecosystem community meeting is intended to provide a holistic overview of community activities, critical release information, and governance updates for Prometheus & the Ecosystem projects.

Thanos Maintainers regularly join and give announcements and updates.

Meeting details:

Mentorships #

We participate in periodic mentorship programs. Read more here.

Further Questions #

Feel free to contact any of the Maintainers