Thanos build system is pinned to certain Golang version. This is to ensure that Golang version changes is done by us in controlled, traceable way.

To update Thanos build system to newer Golang:

  1. Edit .promu.yaml and edit go: version: <go version> in YAML to desired version. This will ensure that all artifacts are built with desired Golang version. How to verify? Download tarball, unpack and invoke thanos --version
  2. Edit .circleci/config.yaml and update - image: circleci/golang:<go version> to desired Golang version. This will ensure that all docker images and go tests are using desired Golang version. How to verify? Invoke docker pull<version> --version
  3. Edit .Dockerfile.thanos-ci and update Go version. Run make docker-ci DOCKER_CI_TAG=<new tag>. Update .circleci/config.yaml thanos-ci image to <new tag>.
  4. Edit .github/workflows/e2e.yaml, .github/workflows/cross-build.yaml and update Go version.